Cayla Zahoran Food Photographer

© Cayla Zahoran Photography

Dominic :) – Johnstown, PA

It has been over a year and a half since I have seen my nephew, Dominic. His mother (my sister) and her husband moved him to Germany when he was barely 8 months old. Fortunately, they were able to make it home this year for the holidays and I was able to head to Johnstown to see them!

He may just be the cutest boy I have ever seen. Some of that statement may be the fact he is so far my only nephew, so I am a little impartial. But only a little, like 6%. 94% of the “cutest boy” statement is completely accurate.

Because I don’t get to see him very often, I wanted to get as many photos of him as I could. But, holy hell, this boy DOES NOT stop!! He moved faster than my finger could hit the shutter. But, I decided to play around with some of the images, I was able to capture and show the world just how cute he really is!








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© Cayla Zahoran Photography