Cayla Zahoran Food Photographer

© Cayla Zahoran Photography

New Year, New Work, New York Food Photography

food photography of citrus tarts

New Year, New Work, New York Food Photography

2015. Can you believe it? I can’t.

2014 was an unbelievable year for me. Do you remember when I just moved to the city and wrote the blog, How to become a New York Food Photographer? Since then a lot has changed, except the crying. I still do that. NYC just triggers my tear ducts. Let’s blame it on allergies.

A year in and I can say it hasn’t been easy. However, the learning curves of being a young freelancer in a large city has been exceptional. It seems like any opportunity I get, I achieve another great portfolio piece. Constantly growing, constantly learning, constantly falling in love with new aspects of my career.

Recently, I started working as a retoucher for a commercial studio in Manhattan. Let me say this:

Dear Photoshop,

I didn’t know you could do that!!!



As I wrap up 2014, (and by wrapping up, I really mean I start to organize my photos, business papers, invoices, and all that boring stuff, I put off until the very LAST minute), I find photos that need to be shared with the world. Working with magazines and clients, I typically have to wait to share images until they are published and by that time, I forget I have them. So, if you don’t already follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you should get on it.


Restaurant photography of fries
Photograph of Sweet Potato Fries at Batata- Brooklyn, NY
Restaurant photography of Cupcakes
Photograph of Pretzel Carmel Cupcake at Rudy’s Bakery- Queens, NY
Shot for Edible Queens.
Beverage Photography in NYC
Gibson drink at The Happiest Hour- New York, NY
Shot for Time Out NewYork



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© Cayla Zahoran Photography